Learn Risk Management Online
Cost per student: $195 Enroll Now
Risk Management is a proactive process of identifying, assessing and controlling potential problems before they occur rather than a reactive process of trying to correct problems after they occur. The course includes 7 sessions covering a universal Risk Management Process usable by any organization. You will learn to proactively identify, assess, and help control potential problems before they occur. The purpose of this e-course is to:
- Provide a universally applicable process for quickly and easily managing the uncertainty organizations face in completing objectives
- Meet aerospace requirements
The e-course completely covers problem solving processes
Included with course:
- Software providing a model Risk Management procedure adaptable to any organization
- Software for the Risk Assessment Matrix and Risk Management Log
- Software for the Risk Management Project Form
Risk Management and the Aerospace Industry
Risk Management is being handled differently with changes implemented in ISO 9001:2015 and AS9100 Rev D. The standards require that Risk Management must be established, implemented and maintained for managing risk to the achievement of applicable product requirements, including:
- Assignment of responsibilities for Risk Management
- Definition of risk criteria (likelihood, consequences, risk acceptance)
- Identification, assessment and communication of risks throughout product realization
- Identification, implementation and management of actions to mitigate risks that exceed the defined acceptance criteria
- Acceptance of risks remaining after implementation of mitigating actions
Why We Created This Course
Many organizations are struggling to effectively meet the requirements established within the standard, especially while doing it in a way that actually makes business sense.
We have gotten many requests for training or tools that can help with this requirement. After seeing how few resources exist that provide meaningful help, we decided to create this online Risk Management Course. This course not only meets the requirement within the standard but extends well beyond. You will quickly discover the primary focus of this course isn’t simply satisfying the standard. Instead, the course teaches you how to effectively manage and mitigate risk in a way that actually benefits your organization. And as a result, the standard requirement is met. This is the first truly effective online course to help you with Risk Management!
Why E-Learning?
- Cost effective: save hundreds of dollars in both traditional training and travel expenses
- Time effective: no travel, no depending on external training dates and locations
- Learn at your own pace: courses allow you to sign up whenever you want and proceed based on your own schedule and time constraints
- Learn anywhere, anytime: courses are available through the website 24 hours a day and can be accessed anywhere an active internet connection exists
Cost per student: $195 | Enroll Now |
Payment Methods Accepted
- PayPal: Use your organization's PayPal account to enroll
- Credit Card: Don't have a PayPal account? No problem. We accept all major credit cards. You will still use the PayPal interface to process the payment but you can use any credit card you like.
- Purchase Order: If you’d like to pay via PO, simply email the PO to payment@eagleforceinc.com. Please include the following information for each student you would like to enroll:
- Student Name
- Student Email Address
- Company Name
- City/State
- Phone Number
- Purchase Order #
- Student Name